Photo: Roxane De Koninck
In the spirit of my object of study, my approach is fundamentally interdisciplinary, tapping into Book History, Cultural History, Political Theory, English, Art History, Media Studies, Bibliography and Library Studies, and Pedagogy. My work has led me on the fields of Comics Studies, Fan Studies, Popular Music Studies and Subcultural Studies, and the study of printed arts, social movements, cultural institutions and marginalized communities. My focus in primarily on zine cultures in Quebec, the United States and France, and extends into the Canadian, German and Belgian contexts. I work and publish in both English and French.
My approach is driven by the idea of a zine culture simultaneously in the margins and cutting across contemporary cultural scenes. My main goal is to gather zines, scholarship, zine makers and scholars otherwise separate under a single roof.
I am also deeply committed to my local zine scene in Montreal, where I’m involved in many projects. I am co-editing the review zine Zine de zines and managing the community-based zine library Le Labo.